Bear down!


Shared on Sun, 03/07/2010 - 16:46

Normally I won't post a 2nd blog with one of my icons still showing, but this little find warrants an immediate blog.  While out grocery shopping today at my local Meijer I browsed the dvd section and came upon this little gem:

Ok, now I have been searching for a copy of Super Bowl 20 for literally 2 decades and have come up blank.  A guy I work with said he had the SB and both prior playoff games on tape and he could convert them to dvd for me, but upon searching for them he discovered them to be lost.  I really want to show my kid these games because lets face it...especially with the current product the Bears have put on the field (even in their fluke SB run 3 years ago) this sort of thing is something to behold.

So I come across this and see its in an NFL dvd series titled "Greatest Games Series".  Unfortunately there was no info on the box at all regarding what games were featured, aside from the promise of "12 classic games".  The back of the case promised that these were 12 network broadcasts in their entirety but mention of what you were getting.  So I coerced the guy at Meijer into unwrapping the package to look at the cases themselves.  Two words for ya:


Ok, from the regular season you get:

Week 1: vs Tampa

Week 3: @ Minnesota (McMahon off the bench for 3 TDs)

Week 4: vs Washington (I was at this game...woot!)

Week 5: @ Tampa (if memory serves, some sweet Payton runs)

Week 6: @ SF (eat it, Montana)

Week 7: vs GB (Fridge scores his first TD, George Cumby goes missing)

Week 11: @ Dallas (44-0 beating)

Week 13: @ Miami (erm...lets not talk about this one, mmkay?)

Week 16: @ Detroit (Marshall kills at 11)

Thats 9 from the regular season, and then you get both playoff games (Giants and Rams) and then the Super Bowl!

I have only watched the Washington game so far, but it was cool.  As advertised it was the original network broadcast.  Its not restored or enhanced, it just is what it is minus commercials.  Its like if you had videotaped the game yourself back in the day and were watching it again.  The game I watched at least had menu options to skip between quarters, so I assume all of the discs are like this.

So there you have it.  This is major for all the Bears fans out there, a chance to relive not only some great moments out there but to see the greatness on the other teams back in the day and to also see some great coaches in action.  Just a word of warning though: Best Buy has this listed at $100.  I bought it at Meijer for $55, and you might even find it cheaper if you look around a bit.  But whatever you do, go get this now!


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