Looking Forward to the Chi-Town Lan!!


Shared on Wed, 02/01/2006 - 13:15
Maybe I am just a freak, but almost every day I at least think about the upcoming Chi-Town lan in Aug...How freaking cool is that going to be. I mean what if (and this is a big if) like 300 people show up!!! Holy Crap what the hell are we going to do....

Even if we have a Conference room, or one of the Hotels has a big events room how are you going to arange all those people? 4 to a t.v. (a 20 inch tv probably), the switches, the cat5 running all over the place, and the xboxes and contollers and crap!! It has to be a logistical nightmare, I mean the mlg tourney's do it, but they have a hole crew to do it. I know people will offer to help out, but lets face it, people offer to help out, but will they actually? I hope so...

Right now flights are around 700 bucks for both me and the Mrs.LB (Teri) to fly out, then we are planning on staying from Friday (4th) to like the next thursday (10th)..So I thought for shit and giggles I would check out pricing at the "Drake" and see what it would cost to stay in their golden coast jacuzzi suite. You know get a little freaky and get my "O" face on in this:

For the O face!!

Well it would be $5700.00 bucks!!!

So it is safe to say this one is out. But some of the other places are running like 165 a night,(not at the drake) but some other places. Which is not to bad. But I would like to find a jacuzzi suite...Love to do it in the jacuzzi!!

So I am guessing it is going to cost me, like, 3500.00 bucks for this trip (and I am being a little conservative). So this will be a big deal for us. I want some really good Chicago style pizza, check out the Aquarium, go to a museum, and if Dark Knight goes, take in a Cubbies game.

Well I am hoping for the best, and I am sure we will have a great time. I think tomorrow I will talk about what some of the people from 2o2p might/will be like!!!

Another one of LB's top ten girls!!!
Carmer Electra Poppin out!!


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