Crap its been a while!!


Shared on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 16:48

So I have slacked off on the blog entries lately. Not sure why, maybe just to lazy to do one. Oh well.

New News..

Teri (my wife) has started her cycle this month, so she made a trip to the baby dr. and we are officially in countdown mode to the ivf procedure. I am supposed to start taking antibiotics tonight, and Teri starts with the first set of shots tomorrow night. Then after "x"amount of time I start to give her some shots. Then on July 5 or 6th she goes in and they extract some good eggs. Then (I think) that day I also "shake hands with the purple headed yogurt thrower" and they mix the eggs with the baby batter..

I probably have dates/times and stuff mixed up. But you get the idea.


Intermediate and Draft Ladder games have started.

Intermediate team (Twigs Berries and Melons) is 2-1. We lost this week to our Nemisis Jerrys yellow bus riding, styrofoam (sp?) helmet wearing, kids.. Good games, kinda crazy game types, but fun non the less.

Draft Team (Herpes of Justice) is 0-1. We played our first game this week, and lost (pretty bad ) but we have only played together as a team like once. So I am sure when we play together more, the better we will be.


Old News:

Still scanning in comics, but at least I am about half way done. Also found an on-line comic book db. It is pretty cool. 

Bought a coupld of Avengers and Uncanny xmen lots on ebay. Found some pretty good deals, I am averaging just over a dollar an issue. I am now looking into some Alpha flight lots. Bought an overstreet price guide this week, when I am down cataloging my books, then I will price them and see which ones I want to send off to get cgc rated.


Well that is about it, oh I almost forgot, Gaius Caesar and I will be flying out to the Chi-town lan together!! That will make the 4 hour trip go fast, and boy do I want to pick his brain. Mainly because of what he does for a living...But if you want to know what he does, I will leave that up to you guys to ask.


There will be no half naked chics for a bit, I talked with Doodi and we thought it was a good idea to maybe not post picks of boobies for a while... well on second thought, fuck it!! I am not going to let me the man keep me down!!! This is America!!!, If I want to post pics of Large, plump, surgically enhanced boobies, it is my god damn right!!! Well maybe not, but maybe I can come up with a compromise....

viva la boobies!!


codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 17:02
"shake hands with the purple headed yogurt thrower" LOLOLOL -CM
FreakMullet's picture
Submitted by FreakMullet on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 18:09
I want Charisma there to "shake hands with my purple headed yogurt thrower". :D I think shed like it!!! :lol: check out this other pic of her:

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