Petition for a longer day


Shared on Wed, 03/08/2006 - 16:14
Who do I talk about making the days longer? There are just simply not enough hours in the day to do all the things I want or need to do. Work 9 hours,(that included lunch, what can you accomplish over lunch?) andsleep 6 hours, leaves you with what....9 hours per weekday.

Now I am not gonig to breakdown what I do with each and every minute of my day, but there just never seems to be enough time in the day. I would say that gaming consumes most of my free time. Most of the time is World of Warcraft. But I also have a 360 and enjoy that as well. Then there are always the TV shows I need to watch on a weekly basis and of course I love spending time with my wife and kids.

So who do I talk to about slowing the earths rotation? Just give me 2-4 extra hours in the day and I will be a happy camper.


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