WTF and how can I exploit it?


Shared on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 20:18

A few months ago I was interviewing a creepy guy for a sales position at my company. The reason I call him creepy is because halfway through the interview, he starts telling me all kinds of personal information about myself - I have a preschooler and an iPad, and some involvement with a video game website. Apparently Captain Creepy did a search for my name and found my Twitter profile, which I only use once in a great while.

I am somewhat well known within my industry and I have a professional reputation to uphold, so the first thing I did was lock up my account and set my tweets to private. I still never use it all that much (and admittedly, I just don't "get" Twitter. The only people I follow are stand-up comedians, 2old2play members, and other game-related accounts).

So imagine my confusion when I randomly logged in tonight and saw this:

I have a fucking shit-ton of random people requesting to follow me. Looking through the list they're from all walks of life - Justin Bieber fans, medical professionals, ugly dudes and hot women, and all complete strangers. And Destructoid, which is kind of cool since I'm a complete nobody. At first I thought it was some elaborate spam technique but the ones I looked at all seem to be "real" people, and not one that I know personally.

I will likely go through and accept them all. I figure Why not? But rather than post asanine shit like "Look at my breakfast! Rofl waffles!" I'd like to learn what I can do with Twitter and actually enjoy it.

Any suggestions? Twitter users who know what the fuck they're doing? And more importantly, what can I pimp?


Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 20:30
well if you have a bunch of people you know are following you for work or stuff. Then just put up things that they might be interested in. X is hiring for Y position, send me a direct message or email me. it is really just a quick way to put out blurps of info. If you want to use a more robust social media site. Google + is an awesome combination of Twitter and FB options. None of the bs FB apps or games, with the quick easy to use interface. I mean it is pretty freaking awesome and is extremely easy to personalize and customer for different levels of access.
JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Wed, 07/27/2011 - 20:48
Google+ is awesome and I like it much more than twitter. I just don't see it dethroning facebook since only 1/10 of my facebook friends have G+ accounts.

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