Monday morning, waiting for the cable guy...


Shared on Mon, 04/02/2012 - 10:43


GungalTM of the Day

 Skin Art GungalTM Rachel relaxes at her day job at Advanced Armaments Coporation...


    Today is grandson Stevie's birthday, so we wish him a very, very happy birthday!! We had Stevie's favorite cake on Saturday evening, red velvet, which we picked up at our favorite bakery, Rockland Bakery on Broadway in Newburgh. I'm not a huge fan of red velvet, but this one was very good, very moist. Today, my Sweet Gal and I plan to help Nan pick up a barbecue grill, so that's on the agenda for the afternoon.




    Still not much news on the gaming front, tho I did get a chance to watch our son play a couple of the new free-for-all variants on Modern Warfare 3. He played a few matches of 'One in the Chamber' and 'All or Nothing'. I found it to be quite interesting gameplay-wise. It's awesome that some variety is being injected into MW3, especially considering how impossible it seemed to get anything new in Call of Duty 4 back in the day, lol. The spawns in free-for-all still appear to be hosed, but that's pretty much been the rule for CoD. Moving on...



Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video

Uploaded 28 March 2012 on MrTangoRomeoDelta





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GUL74's picture
Submitted by GUL74 on Mon, 04/02/2012 - 10:59
I'd like to see her without the glasses and a shirt if possible
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 10:36

Me, too, but there didnt seem to be any when I searched. She works for AAC, apparently.

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