Backpack Thugs 2005 Megamix


Shared on Sun, 03/19/2006 - 22:36
One thing I really enjoy listening to are mix CDs by hungry DJs trying to make a name for themselves. Take Danger Mouse’s “The Grey Album” for example, a CD unsurpassed in its quality of mixing and sheer size of huevous required to dare mix the Beatles with Jay-Z. But you know what? It fucking rocks your socks off. That album put Danger Mouse in the freakin’ spot light where that mastermind belongs. At any rate, when I come across a CD that dares to do something similar I try to grab it; especially when the CD only runs 5 smackers as in the case of DJ five and Pizzo’s “Backpack Thugs 2005 Megamix”.

I had really high hopes for this CD. Pizzo writes for in addition to his daily grind as a DJ and I always appreciate his input about different CDs and the state of the scene. High quality is something I expect from him and boy does this CD deliver in spades. The premise of the CD is simple. Pizzo and DJ Five take indie hiphop beats and blend them with mainstream rap lyrics or they flip it the other way around. Their idea was that good hiphop does not rest exclusively in the domain of the mainstream or comfortably underground. Quality can be found everywhere. They just take what they believe to be the best of both worlds and mash the shit up out of it.

I don’t know how they did it but 95% of the CD works like a charm. The mixes are bold and challenging, taking songs that seem diametrically opposed and flawlessly bringing them together for a head noddin’ track. At first I was disappointed that the 2 DJs didn’t show off more of their scratching skills. What they do include is highly polished and exciting which left me wanting to hear more. However, in retrospect more scratching would have probably distracted from the purpose of the CD and the masterful mixing.

Not everything flows smoothly in the CD but those tracks are few and far between. Those tracks are not un-listenable but they are definitely not as strong as others. Well, with the exception of “Crazy Memorial Day” with The Perceptionists vs. Young Jeezy. There is just no way to polish that lyrical loaf that The Perceptionists pinched off in their horrible album “Black Dialogue”.

In closing here’s a rundown of some of the tracks I find most notable:
-mainstream lyrics most improved by an indie beat: “We Want Preemo - Kanye West vs. Premier.
-indie lyrics most improved by a mainstream beat: “Scenester – Cage vs. 50 Cent”
-mix that made me ask why the hell didn’t I know about these guys yet? DAMN that’s hot! “Remember I Used to Love You – John Legand vs. Fort Minor”
-safe solid mix: “No Cam – Buckshot vs. Cam Ron”
-straight up hanging the nuts out the window mix that is solid gold: “The I’s Have It – T.I. vs. Zion I”

For 5 dollars this is one of the best CD buys I have come across. This album will have you rockin’ out for quite a while to come.


BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Mon, 03/20/2006 - 15:18
Great post Raste!!! Awesome review !! Very informative and clearly the thoughts of a well educated and well versed Hip Hop master! :lol: :D I enjoyed reading this a lot and look forward to future installments. I put your blog on my friends list right away. I immediately went to Lime Wire but couldnt find anything by these two DJs. So i went to iTunes and theyre not in the iTunes library either. I did find the album at And your right its only $5 bucks!!! Now thats a deal! So thanks for the great review and the introduction to a new source of great music. Bring on the next review!!!!! :D KM

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