No Comments Necessary, just unabashed wonder, awe and blinding realization.


Shared on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 10:20
Yeah I know you stare into the brilliance of my mind like Icarus blazing his eyes’ out in the sun, the only that’s left is cauterized eye holes.  It’s like peering into the mind of madman; you need your daily dose of crazy to remain here.  A frog can’t think like a horse, even if he rides his back, eats his food and engages in staring contests.  A frog can’t have horse children, a frog can’t raise horse children, a frog can drive car but he can’t get a license.
I forged Mount Rushmore out of cotton candy; they make it in all kinds of colors.  The problem is what looks like Rushmore to me looks like a giant ball of multi colored cotton candy to everyone else. And if I stuff it into a mailbox I’m the criminal, I tell you sharing my art with the world in perfect harmony is no crime it’s a travesty because THEY don’t understand meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Low and behold those blue boxes are not sentient boxes from an alien world any more than my diet Dr. Pepper is where Cthulhu sleeps or is it?  Does it not sing sweetly to me at night?  Cluck nuggets, that’s what I calls them to McDonalds friend, I say hey McDOnalds friend wheres me Cluck nuggets?
Join me down at the dumpster friend and we find what socket I can plug mine duty free shop into.  Tis Friday and where I’m from we call it rub me parts on some concrete cause when I jump I jump for joy because joy is the love child of Asian fusion and sushi bison lickin me chops at me pistol pops forrunning saliva guttenberg jumpinjackssmalltightsandwinkerbeansofmilestromghilackinfumacherbeandcheesejmonstaerlbulueshammer



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