Border Collies with Canine Wagons of Milk Bone Ecstasy


Shared on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 12:12
When I think of balls to the wall, I think of antigravity.  I think of pasta with meatballs flying through space and time, bending matter and eventually hitting the wall of the speed of light.  There’s no FTL pasta and meatballs!  I also think of sitting on a brick, be it one brick in the wall.

Do you ever swim in the dreams of others?  Do you ever fly in the face of reality? Do you ever run rampant across the lush fields of grammar and sexuality?  I think my grammar and sexuality go hand in hand, it just seems like a more intimate relationship.  I find I can nestle up to my sentence structure and syntax the way no one else can.  It’s way more than snuggling but nothing too serious, you know I’m not that way.  It’s meaningful without being meaningless.

My lotion is named Lubriderm, I think they are taunting me.


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