A New Dawn


Shared on Wed, 12/02/2009 - 03:03


I’ve just made a realisation. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but the thought just hit me out of the blue and I can see it’s perfectly correct. In fact I should have seen this years ago, it makes complete sense. It’s a subtle point but one that’s likely to change the way I do things immeasurably.
You see, I’ve just realised I’m a video game collector not a video game player. There’s obviously a huge overlap between the two, I wouldn’t deny that for a second, but having acknowledged that I’m one of the latter not the former has all sorts of consequences and requires me to accept a couple of points.
1. I buy games to have them rather than to play them.
2. I enjoy looking for interesting games for my collections (be they rare, bargains, unusual, niche, etc).
3. I don’t play games much.
4. I get as much enjoyment from my games collection as I do from playing the games themselves.
5. I have many games in my collection that I will probably never play, but would never part with either.
Now I’ve come to this realisation I think I don’t have to feel guilty about buying a game I’m not planning to play. I should think of myself more as a collector or connoisseur (if I’m feeling pretentious) of video games.  I’ll add more thoughts as I digest this.


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