Mr402's blog


Shared on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 08:03

Oh one more thing. Grab some popcorn folks!

Being a child of the 80's I love scifi/fantasy films.   The 90's had it's share of great scifi but one movie stands the test of time where it's just as good today as when I first seen it.    See some movies kick big ass.  Then they  made Starship Troopers........    A lot of people slept on this film when it was released in theaters.   I was a fan of Paul Verhoeven when he made Robocop another film which stands the test of time.    Starship Troopers showed earth as a global facist society  in a galactic fight against a race of insects bent on destroying our civilization.   Over the top viol


Shared on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 08:03

Oh one more thing. Grab some popcorn folks!

Being a child of the 80's I love scifi/fantasy films.   The 90's had it's share of great scifi but one movie stands the test of time where it's just as good today as when I first seen it.    See some movies kick big ass.  Then they  made Starship Troopers........    A lot of people slept on this film when it was released in theaters.   I was a fan of Paul Verhoeven when he made Robocop another film which stands the test of time.    Starship Troopers showed earth as a global facist society  in a galactic fight against a race of insects bent on destroying our civilization.   Over the top viol


Shared on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 07:41

I'll admit it.

I have videogame adhd.  I'm one of those dudes that will start a game get 3/4's the way thru then quit with the full intention to return a couple of days later to finish the game when I have time.  Well about 50% of the time that doesn't happen.  So usually what does happen is that I end up returning to it a couple months later and have to start over completely so that I can refresh my memory about the story etc.   That's happening again today as I go about finishing Lost Odyssey for xbox 360 not super memorable as JRPGS go but still a good solid long game which is what I like.    So my gam


Shared on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 07:41

I'll admit it.

I have videogame adhd.  I'm one of those dudes that will start a game get 3/4's the way thru then quit with the full intention to return a couple of days later to finish the game when I have time.  Well about 50% of the time that doesn't happen.  So usually what does happen is that I end up returning to it a couple months later and have to start over completely so that I can refresh my memory about the story etc.   That's happening again today as I go about finishing Lost Odyssey for xbox 360 not super memorable as JRPGS go but still a good solid long game which is what I like.    So my gam


Shared on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 00:23


There is huge satisfaction you get from finishing a game you hate.   One that frustrates you for any number of reasons till you want to break the disk and be done with it forever.  Well tonight I did.  Ninja Gaiden 2 is now in the finished bracket at the field.   I'm pleased and feeling a bit cheated because it had such potential but failed in my eyes to live up to the originals fun facter.   My rating for NG2 is rental at best.   My new mantra is now rent before you buy which I will start chanting in my head every time I start believing the hype about a sequel to a game I loved.  


Shared on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 00:23


There is huge satisfaction you get from finishing a game you hate.   One that frustrates you for any number of reasons till you want to break the disk and be done with it forever.  Well tonight I did.  Ninja Gaiden 2 is now in the finished bracket at the field.   I'm pleased and feeling a bit cheated because it had such potential but failed in my eyes to live up to the originals fun facter.   My rating for NG2 is rental at best.   My new mantra is now rent before you buy which I will start chanting in my head every time I start believing the hype about a sequel to a game I loved.  


Shared on Sun, 08/03/2008 - 22:58

Ninja Gaiden 2 is aging me before my time.

Ninja Gaiden Black was a great game.   Scratch that NGB was a kick ass game.  That's why I felt it was a no brainer to pick up team ninjas sequel to the original without following my cardinal rule.  Rent before you buy.   It's a rule I stand by and one I rarely break except for titles which seem like a sure thing.     I should have seen the signs of something not being right by the lack of a demo also there didn’t seem to be a review of the game until a couple days after release a trend I have seen more and more of lately.   Well firing the game up I realized why.   NG2 is a  mess. 


Shared on Sun, 08/03/2008 - 22:58

Ninja Gaiden 2 is aging me before my time.

Ninja Gaiden Black was a great game.   Scratch that NGB was a kick ass game.  That's why I felt it was a no brainer to pick up team ninjas sequel to the original without following my cardinal rule.  Rent before you buy.   It's a rule I stand by and one I rarely break except for titles which seem like a sure thing.     I should have seen the signs of something not being right by the lack of a demo also there didn’t seem to be a review of the game until a couple days after release a trend I have seen more and more of lately.   Well firing the game up I realized why.   NG2 is a  mess. 

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